PointerWise | Organizational Development Consultants

High Performing Teams Require Leadership and Team Development

What’s your plan for:

  • •  Leadership training and development?
  • •  Improving your work environment?
  • •  Building high performing teams?

We can help.

Follow What Matters

“At PointerWise, we help workplace leaders find and follow what truly matters for their people. This means using limited resources wisely to support their people, leverage natural talents, and inspire employees to be all in.”

– Terri Stivarius, Chief Investigator and Coach

Let’s Work Together

“We coach leaders and their teams to live, lead, connect and deliver results by rediscovering satisfaction and joy in meaningful work. Our clients are public and private, small and Fortune 500, and represent every industrial sector.”

– Terri Stivarius, Chief Investigator and Coach


Leadership Development

Effective leaders cultivate self-awareness, practice decisiveness, and exercise discipline in reaching personal goals that enable team and business leadership. We help rising leaders, middle managers and seasoned executives chart their courses to “the next level” of leadership acumen.

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Leading is a team sport. Learn how to boost your team’s success through our workshops and retreats featuring Patrick Lencioni’s workplace models – The Six Types of Working Genius and The Five Dysfunctions of a Team©.

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When facts matter, and sensitive, high-impact outcomes are at stake, we know what to do. Conduct your workplace investigations through our team of experienced and trained professionals.

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Workplace Discrimination Or Harassment?

What’s Your Plan For:

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Discovering accurate facts?

We swiftly research and uncover precise facts during workplace investigations, ensuring thoroughness and accuracy in every inquiry.

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Legal compliance?

We ensure strict adherence to legal compliance, safeguarding businesses from potential liabilities and fostering trustworthiness.

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Situation Report Generation?

We produce comprehensive reports during workplace investigations, empowering you to make informed and optimal decisions.

Learn About Workplace Investigations

The Six Types of Working Genius and The Five Dysfunctions of a Team©

At PointerWise, our organizational development consultants follow the published models of renowned organizational development author Patrick Lencioni: Working Genius and The Five Dysfunctions©.

Teambuilding with The Six Types of Working Genius™
As described by New York Times best-selling author Patrick Lencioni in his new book, The Six Types of Working Genius™ (2022), we are all born with natural “geniuses” and “frustrations” in how we connect with work. Understanding (and admitting to ourselves and each other) how different types of meetings and project work either bring us joy or drain us dry is a game-changer in team productivity. As Certified Facilitators, we can offer each member of your team an individual assessment debriefing, provide the team with its unique “team map” and deliver an insightful, energizing workshop on leveraging the power of natural gifts and minimizing burnout.

Improving Productivity with The Five Dysfunctions of a Team©
In his best-selling book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni identified the five fundamental behaviors of high performing teams as: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Attention to Results. Research studies both before and after the book show that to find that “moment of lift” when productivity soars, every team needs these five fundamental behaviors.  The Five Dysfunctions of a Team©  is a deeply engaging, informative, and interactive program that can literally transform your team’s effectiveness overnight.


Is Your Organization Facing…

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Lack of Trust? Siloed Departments? High Turnover? Disconnected Remote Worker Culture?

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Toxic Conflict? Personality Clashes? Artificial Harmony? Confusing Priorities? Poor Communication?

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Conflict Mediations

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Employee Apathy, Burnout and Overwhelm, Micromanaging? Lack of Innovation, Procrastination

Learn About
Working Genius

The PointerWise Difference
There Are a Lot of Organizational Development Consultants
– Here’s How We’re Different

Real People. Real Talk.
Listening First.

We coach leaders and facilitate teams on courageously sitting together and “talking real” about trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results. We know how to listen simply, plainly, and powerfully to connect with people, and to help them connect with each other, from the manufacturing floor to the boardroom to the kitchen table office. It’s all about listening first, last, and in between.



We reduce the noise and help employers listen, see, focus, avoid overwhelm, and act where it matters most. Listening is actually simple. Reporting what you heard so good decisions can be made can also be simple. That’s the essence of what we do.



We report what we find in plain language that’s clear, unequivocal, and actionable. After all, you’re not paying for a dissertation. Don’t measure and do nothing (or worse, do something fake). The point is authentic action. (And if action hasn’t been the point, that’s why you need us!)


Cost and Value

Price matters. We are upfront and clear about our hourly rates for investigations and flat fees for our other services. We add value consistently and have standing clients of all sizes, shapes, and locations. We can give you the “leg up” you need to lead organizational greatness without the mind-numbing bureaucracy, annoying big, fat “ball of yarn” lists and visuals, consultant doublespeak, and over-priced glossy fliers that you may have come to expect.



We honor every person’s need to be respected and valued in whatever process we undergo, even if that person is the target of a complaint or feels uncomfortable about the process.

What People Are Saying About PointerWise…

“Culture surveying is an art combining the heart of the people and the pulse of the company, and Terri’s culture survey has mastered the perfect blend. Her professionalism and jovial demeanor has a special way of gaining the trust of those surveyed to collect the most useful feedback. Terri provided invaluable coaching based on the information gathered to shape our future culture initiatives.”

– VP of HR, Information Technology Services

“With the great resignation amongst us, and turnover at an all time high, we were looking for a different kind of workshop. We discovered that even though someone could be great at something, it was draining him/her and resulting in burnout. After going through the Working Genius we reorganized our projects and as a result reenergized our team. Thank you!”

– CHRO, Healthcare

“I have engaged Terri multiple times for complaint investigations and workplace surveys. In each instance, my client and I were very pleased with her insight not only as to how to approach the issues but also with the employees with whom she interacted. Her reports provided not only thoroughly-deliberated answers to the important questions but were also non-legalistic and very practical. I have been thanked many times for getting her involved.”

– Employment Lawyer-Partner, Employment Law Firm

“We have referred numerous clients to Terri Stivarius for workplace investigations, conflict mediation and culture work. Without exception, our clients have thanked us profusely for recommending Terri. She is so much more than the sum of her legal education and HR experience. For workplace investigations, she brings a laser focus on the facts that matter, objectivity, neutrality, and reports written in plain English, well-organized and easy for our firm to rely upon in providing the best legal advice. For conflict mediation and culture work, she has business savvy and many years of helping dysfunctional teams (from the Boardroom to the front line) learn how to succeed together. ”

– Managing Partner, Employment and Complex Litigation Law Firm

Who Are We?

PointerWise is a consulting company that helps organizations listen to their employees in different ways. We investigate to discern objective facts. We survey subjective opinions, beliefs, lived experiences, philosophies, and styles that can block positive workplace culture and team cohesion. We mediate stubborn workplace conflicts, coach leaders, and facilitate workplace teambuilding. As mother-daughter co-founders we know how a great team can produce great results—it is our honor to help people and companies realize their potential.

Meet The Team

“Through PointerWise, We have the great honor of sharing our time and talents with individuals, teams, and organizations in need of evidence-based support for making the best decisions possible and charting the path forward.”

– Andi Farrant, Co-Founder and Head of Operations

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