An Introduction to The Six Types Of Working Genius© - Pointerwise

An Introduction to The Six Types Of Working Genius©

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”  

– Michael Jordan

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s crucial for leaders to not only manage performance but also to inspire and unleash the potential of their teams.  This blog post will explore how leaders can use Patrick Lencioni’s The Six Types of Working Genius© to do just that.  By focusing on the natural talents that bring joy to team members, rather than tasks that frustrate and demoralize them, leaders can create a more engaged and high-performing team.

The Six Types of Working Genius©

Unlock Your Team’s Full Potential with Working Genius.
Learn how to leverage each team member’s natural talents for peak performance.

Patrick Lencioni’s The Six Types of Working Genius© is a framework that identifies six unique abilities or “Genius” areas that individuals possess, as well as the fundamental order of any work project or initiative, no matter how simple or complex.  These are:

    1. Wonder: The ability to ask the right questions and identify opportunities for improvement or innovation. All projects start with a question.
    2. Invention: The capacity to generate creative solutions to address problems or capitalize on opportunities. The Inventor loves to answer the Wonderer’s questions.
    3. Discernment: The skill to evaluate ideas and solutions, making informed decisions based on available information. The Discerner loves to be asked to evaluate the workability of ideas, to make them better.
    4. Galvanizing: The talent for rallying and inspiring others to take action. The Galvanizer gets energy from persuading people to pay attention to something new and shift priorities, because the project or goal is important to your team and organization.
    5. Enablement: The knack for providing the support and resources needed for others to succeed. The Enabler is attuned to people and what they need, on their own terms to get a job done.  They will walk alongside the project team to be sure that the right people are in the right places with the right resources.  They are the glue that holds any project together.
    6. Tenacity: The drive to see projects through to completion, overcoming obstacles and resistance. People with Tenacity have the innate love of finishing things at the standards that were promised and envisioned when the project was rolled out.  They don’t give up and they won’t let others do so without a tussle.  Without them, nothing would ever actually get done.

How Leaders Can Use The Six Types of Working Genius© to Lead Teams

One of the biggest “super-powers” a leader can grow is coaching team members to let go of judgment and guilt about the kind of work that isn’t now and never will be their “thing,” and about how we are all made differently, and we shouldn’t judge others for what drains them – what they really don’t love to do.  What comes easily to me may be a painful struggle for you and vice versa.  That’s the beauty of teamwork if you can increase your team’s self-awareness and get your people to literally celebrate their discovery of which types of work will always burn them out rather than giving them joy – so they can shift and share that work with others who love it.  That’s how the productivity “flywheel” starts spinning with Working Genius!

So, here’s how to get started and open a dialogue with your team to leverage their Geniuses and manage their Frustrations differently:

  1. Have your team take the Working Genius on-line assessment and read the book.  
    We strongly recommend purchasing either a hard copy or audio version of The Six Types of Working Genius©for every member of your team.  While you’re at it, we suggest managing up and getting one for your boss too!  Buy Book Here.  Taking the assessment is easy.  If you work through a consultant like PointerWise or any other certified Working Genius facilitator, you will have support on building a “Team Map,” as well as coaching on how to use the information and the added value of an externally facilitated workshop to get your team energized and excited about working together more productively.  You can also go straight to and order assessments online.  They are inexpensive and Patrick Lencioni’s team offers tools and tips for how to use the reports on the website.
  1. Identify and leverage individual strengths openly with the team.
    Start by encouraging open and honest conversations about each team member’s natural talents  – what brings them joy at work.  People may be reluctant if what brings them a sense of joy and connection in work is not to be found in their job description.  Remember, you can be good at stuff you don’t like.  But it’s not a recipe for success to keep doing that to the exclusion of your hard-wired talents in the long run.  Once the Geniuses for each team member have been identified, discuss how you might shift the way you’ve done work projects in the past to better rely on them – so that tasks and responsibilities align as much as possible with each individual’s Genius.
  1. Plan projects to include the right Geniuses at the right stage of work.
    When forming teams, do your best to include as many of Geniuses as possible.  This creates the chances of the team reaching its highest and best performance on whatever project you lead.  It also means that each member feels respected, seen, and connected to the work in a meaningful way.  Encourage team members to collaborate and learn from one another, fostering an environment where everyone’s strengths are recognized and appreciated.  We will write about what to do with gaps in your team’s Working Geniuses in another blog post.

4. Foster a culture of empowerment.
Instead of micromanaging, focus on empowering your team members to take ownership of their tasks and make decisions within their areas of Genius.  Trust their judgment and support them in their endeavors.  By doing so, you create an environment where team members feel valued and motivated to contribute their best work.

Elevate leadership skills by integrating Working Genius into your management style. Find out how with our Executive Coaching Program.

5. Provide opportunities for growth.  
Encourage team members to develop their skills and expertise further in their areas of Genius.  Offer learning opportunities, mentorship, and resources to help them grow both professionally and personally.  By investing in their development, you are not only building a stronger team but also showing your commitment to their success.

6. Balance Accountability and Empowerment.
While focusing on individual strengths and creating an empowering environment is crucial, it is equally important to hold team members accountable for their responsibilities.  Embracing The Six Types of Working Genius© does not mean that individuals are exempt from completing tasks that may be challenging or less enjoyable.  In any job, there will always be aspects that don’t align perfectly with our natural talents.  The key is to shift our mindset away from strictly adhering to job descriptions and toward recognizing and nurturing innate abilities.  Adjusting roles and responsibilities is a great option to consider.  Instead of pressuring employees to improve in areas where they may never excel, focus on coaching them to further develop their hard-wired talents.  By doing so, you create a more balanced approach that fosters growth, while still maintaining a sense of responsibility and accountability within the team.  This way, team members are encouraged to stretch themselves, learn new skills, and contribute to the organization’s success while staying true to their unique strengths.

By using Patrick Lencioni’s The Six Types of Working Genius© leaders can create an environment where team members are engaged, motivated, and performing at their best.  By focusing on individual strengths and fostering a culture of empowerment and growth, leaders can inspire their teams to achieve greatness together.  So, ditch the idea of just “managing” performance and embrace the Geniuses within your team!  You will be amazed at the feeling that comes from watching them flourish as you lead them to better, faster, and more fulfilling levels of productivity and performance!

“Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results.”  

– Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

If you have any questions about how PointerWise can help your organization thrive, reach out, we are happy to help!

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