Career Development Archives - Pointerwise
CategoryCareer Development

Thoughts on mindfully tending your health, mastering your skillset and “playing the game” required to advance your career.

What If My Boss Is A Disaster?

“People don’t leave bad companies, they leave bad bosses.”  – Simon Sinek Odds are pretty good that during the course of your career, you will have one or more bosses (I know, it’s politically incorrect to use that term; references to power and hierarchy are out of style; but we …

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How Looking Back is the Best Way to Press Forward with Confidence

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” — Theodore Roosevelt You’ve just been handed the reins of a new project or you’re stepping up to a shiny new promotion.  There’s a fizz of excitement, a buzz of energy, and then…a knot of anxiety.  Yes, you’re trusted, you’re considered capable, but now …

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