Revamping Workplace Culture Surveys | PointerWise

Employee Engagement Surveys

Turn Vague Employee Engagement Surveys Into Actionable Conversations

We get it: employee engagement surveys can be an overwhelming and thankless chore (for employers and employees!). That’s why we took a typically bureaucratic, online, anonymous process and turned it into Culture Conversations. After all, employee engagement is nuanced—workplace culture surveys should be, too.

Ready For an Employee Engagement Survey That Will Lead to Real Change?

Let’s Work Together

Our Employee Engagement Interviews Enable Honest and Specific Feedback

At PointerWise, we demystify employee engagement so you have just the information you need—and know exactly what to do with it.

First, we’ll sit down with individual leaders and middle managers one at a time to ask about basic needs, leadership support, teamwork and opportunities for growth. Next, we’ll facilitate group discussions with all employees for smaller employers and randomly selected employees for larger employers. Our Culture Conversations are organized around employee basic needs, management support, teamwork and growth.

Prioritizing and action are the two crucial responses to culture surveys that never see the light of day in the midst of information overload, lack of process, and lack of accountability. We’ll help you identify what to work on first and how to actually do something impactful with what you learned from your employees. That’s right! We don’t just leave you stuck in analysis paralysis with your survey results. After all, the survey is not what’s important here. Taking tangible, relevant, and effective action is.

Love Action, Not Data.

The worst thing an employer can do is solicit employee feedback and then do absolutely nothing with it. Not only is this insulting, but it actually damages employee engagement and morale. Workplace culture surveys are not an “I was just wondering!” exercise.

The PointerWise Difference

Our unique process ensures not only that you have the right information, but that you successfully use that information to implement lasting and meaningful change within your organization. Here are the five pillars of PointerWise workplace culture surveys:


Prioritize + Pace

Our Culture Conversations get employees and employers excited thinking about all the possibilities—which is exactly what we are going for! But, it’s important to ensure employees don’t expect you to work on everything you asked about immediately! We help our clients communicate to set realistic expectations, prioritize, and pace themselves so they don’t end up biting off more than they can chew when implementing survey feedback.


Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Many organizations lack a clear communication channel between the senior leadership team and employees in the months following a survey. Our “Pulse Checks” are condensed Culture Conversations based on identified culture survey priorities and action planning performed throughout the year.



As an impartial third party, our tried and true process allows your employees to be bare-knuckled, brutally honest, and totally authentic, even if what they believe is objectively wrong. Mistaken beliefs mean there’s a disconnect in communication that you need to know about. Getting to the root of misplaced cultural beliefs requires the greatest possible safety in confidentiality.


Understand Opinions Are Facts Here

Unlike workplace investigations, workplace culture surveys are a realm where opinions rule and perception is reality. For workplace culture surveys to be an effective tool for change, the natural defensiveness of leaders must be cracked open with coaching and support. This is a “sit on your world” process for leaders, where we ask you to slow down, put yourself second, and really listen and try to understand the differing perspectives in the room. Ears grow along with leadership prowess.


Be Open + Receptive

We recognize that the collective feedback of employees can be a bitter pill to swallow, which is why we coach leaders on how to be open and receptive to the results from workplace culture surveys, rather than reactive, dismissive, defensive, or—worse yet—retaliatory.

What People Are Saying About PointerWise . . .

“I really appreciated the thorough and professional work on the culture survey that PointerWise did for our company. Terri earned the confidence of our entire team throughout the organized and thoughtful process. The final report was well done and will be a big help to the organization going forward.”

– Board Member
B-Corp, Organizational Development and Inclusiveness

“Culture surveying is an art combining the heart of the people and the pulse of the company. Terri’s culture survey has mastered the perfect blend. Her professionalism and jovial demeanor have a special way of gaining the trust of those surveyed to collect the most useful feedback. Terri provided invaluable coaching based on the information gathered to shape our future culture initiatives.”

– VP of HR
Information Technology Services

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