Your Working Genius City of Lights: Why Galvanizers Are Essential - Pointerwise

Your Working Genius City of Lights: Why Galvanizers Are Essential

“To lead yourself, use your head; to lead others, use your heart.  Always touch a person’s heart before you ask him for a hand.” – John Maxwell

Welcome back to our urban exploration of the City of Lights, the metaphorical landscape of our corporate world.  So far, we’ve met the visionary Wonderers, the inventive Inventors, and the insightful Discerners.  Today, let’s focus on another indispensable role that energizes and propels our city forward – the Galvanizers.  These are the dynamic forces that mobilize teams and resources, transforming ideas into action and visions into realities.

As we stroll through the bustling streets of our city, let’s delve into the world of Galvanizers and discover why they are crucial to the vibrancy and progress of our corporate metropolis.
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The City’s Momentum Makers

Galvanizers in our corporate city are like the urban planners who turn plans into action.  They are the energetic forces that take the new and novel ideas sparked by Wonderers’ questions and Inventors’ brainstorming, then refined by Discerners, and breathe life into them.  Think of them as the ones who inspire the construction crews to want involvement in the project, to put their hearts, minds and souls into the project instead of some other endeavor that they could choose instead.

Champions of Inspiration and Motivation

Galvanizers are the champions of inspiration and motivation in our city.  They possess a unique blend of enthusiasm and leadership that keeps people involved and propelling forward even after the initial burst of excitement has waned and challenges have appeared.  They keep people constructing instead of deconstructing.    Just as a city needs more than just plans to grow, an organization needs these dynamic individuals to ensure that ideas don’t just remain on paper but grab people where their greatest energy lives and keeps that source ope.  They’re the ones who rally the teams and keep everyone focused and on track.

Navigating Through Challenges

Our city, like any complex organization, faces numerous challenges and obstacles.  Galvanizers thrive in these environments, displaying a remarkable ability to stay optimistic and persistent through those problems to keep the momentum going.  They are adept at keeping the team’s morale high.  Their energy is infectious, often being the catalyst that transforms potential failures into resounding successes.  They often lead tactical and project team meetings with Enablers and people with Tenacity (more to come on those Geniuses) to “G-E-T” the Project done.

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The Universal “Ready” of “Ready-Set-Go”

In our City of Lights, Galvanizers play a crucial role in connecting getting people ready to drive a project by inspiring that “fire in the belly” that generates focus on our City’s priority projects to the exclusion of other potentially good projects and reasonable distractions.  Their energy flows to all types of Geniuses that may be involved in a project downstream and upstream, reminding people constantly of why we are doing this and why we should care.  Their ability to tell stories, create a vision and keep that vision front and center for diverse teams is critical to project success.  Without them, many great inventions would stall and fail when our teams run out of steam and choose something more inspiring in the moment to work on.

Galvanizers are not just so much getting things done as they are about getting people ready and helping them stay ready day-to-day for completing the work that must be done.  Other Geniuses (to be discussed in future blogs) work with Galvanizers to allocate resources, remove obstacles and drive the details that build the success of our City of Lights. When we need to remind our citizens about how a project will contribute to the the long-term health and prosperity of our urban landscape, we don’t want to just give them the list of reasons. We want Galvanizers to help them believe in the list.

Celebrating the Galvanizing Spirit

As we conclude our exploration of the Galvanizers in our corporate city, let’s consider how we can foster and leverage this galvanizing spirit in our organizations.  How do we create a culture that celebrates and harnesses this energy for the betterment of our corporate community?

Driving Sustainable Progress

Galvanizers feed and nurture the soul of our City of Lights.  They are the ones who ensure that our city not only dreams big but also walks toward the dreams we’ve chosen and keeps believing in its dreams.  Their ability to mobilize and inspire is what transforms our cityscape, one successful project at a time.

Join me next time as we continue to traverse our city, uncovering the unique roles that keep our corporate world vibrant and thriving.  Until then, let’s appreciate and empower the Galvanizers among us, for they keep the beautiful painting of our dreams vibrantly alive for us.

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

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