Your Working Genius City of Lights: Why Inventors Are Essential - Pointerwise

Your Working Genius City of Lights: Why Inventors Are Essential

“Don’t let the secret recipe die with the inventor.” – Nathan Muhrvoid

Welcome back to our City of Lights, the urban metaphor for our corporate world.  In our last stroll, we marveled at the adventurous minds of Wonderers, who ask us why our city can’t be even better than it is, whether we should consider new ideas for our future skyline.  Today, let’s turn our attention to another crucial role in our bustling metropolis – the Inventors.  These are the generative minds that turn the questions of our Wonderers into tangible options and novel ideas for our growth and development as a city.

So, grab your hard hat and safety goggles; we’re about to explore the the architectural offices where Inventors work their magic.

The Architects of Innovation

Inventors in our corporate city are like master architects.  They draw their architectural visions – lofty ideas and intricate designs – and show us how they can be made real.  Just as a architect sketches a skyscraper after considering the potential needs of its residents and tenants, Inventors in the workplace translate abstract questions and “wonderings” about how to elevate or offer new products and services into new ideas and solutions.  They are the ones who envision what the end results could look like and map out the potential structure and materials needed to create those results.

The Engines of Progress

Think of Inventors as the “think tank” that drives the city’s progress.  They love spending their time hearing the Wonderers’s  questions and then retreating to problem-solve, tinker, and create plans for experimenting with new methods, materials, and technologies.  In the dynamic landscape of our city, where change is as constant as the traffic, Inventors ensure that we’re not just keeping up but leading the charge.  They are the force behind every new building that reshapes the skyline, symbolizing growth and advancement.

Overcoming Complacency and “Stuckness”

Our city, like any company, has its tendency to be satisfied with the way things are and to find comfort in not changing unless something is broken and not working anymore.  But the only way to keep our City of Lights from fading into a rusty ghost town over time is to honor the Genius of the Wonderer-Inventor  loop and understand that to stay vibrant we must grow.  And to grow we must plough under stale or outdated buildings to make way for creative, new construction that meets the needs of tomorrow.  Inventors thrive when we ensure they know we understand this.  They’re the ones who, when faced with a question about answering the needs of tomorrow, they roll up their sleeves and dive into the toolbox of innovation.

Discover the tools, resources, and strategies to unlock the full potential of your team’s Inventors in our Working Genius Resource Center.

Pioneers of Effective and Enticing Development

Inventors are not just about building anything; they’re about building in response to really good questions.  In our city, drawing employers and families to invest, live and work in our city is a key strategic priority. Inventors are at the forefront of creating affordable, multi-use, multi-purpose communities that enable remote working, low-cost commutes and integrated living that serves modern families, workers and the companies that employ them.

Collaborative Synergy

While Inventors are brilliant on their own, their true potential is unlocked in collaboration with others.  When they work hand-in-hand with Wonderers,  and Discerners (more about them soon), the results are spectacular.  It’s like a development firm where visionaries, architects, and engineers work in harmony, each bringing their expertise to create something greater than the sum of its parts

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Nurturing Inventive Spirits

As we wind down our exploration of the Inventors in our corporate city, let’s ponder this: How do we nurture these inventive spirits?  How do we provide them with the questions, resources, and environment they need to build the innovations of tomorrow?

Inventors are the hands that shape our city’s future, the craftsmen turning dreams into reality.  As we continue our series, exploring the various Geniuses that light up our City of Lights, let’s appreciate and foster the Inventors among us.  For they are not just architects; they are the creators of a world that’s constantly evolving, growing, and shining ever brighter.

Join me next time as we wander through the streets of our city, discovering another type of Genius that keeps our urban world vibrant and thriving.  Until then, keep dreaming, keep inventing, and keep illuminating the path forward.

“If it weren’t for Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of the television, we’d still be eating frozen radio dinners.” – Johnny Carson

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