Your Working Genius City of Lights: Why Wonderers Are Essential - Pointerwise

Your Working Genius City of Lights: Why Wonderers Are Essential

The power to question is the basis of all human progress.” – Indira Gandhi.

The Magic of Wonderers: Unlocking Organizational Success

In our City of Lights, the urban metaphor for corporate organizations, we understand the magic worked by people who  always seems to be lost in thought, coming up with the most out-of-the-box questions.  They’re the people who ask, “what if” and “why not,” turning every stone in their quest for the potential in every environment.  These folks are Wonderers, one of the Six Types of Working Genius Patrick Lencioni identifies in his insightful book of the same name.

Let’s walk a while with these Wonderers to understand who they truly are and why they are so important and essential for any organization’s success.

Learn how the presence of Wonderers can transform your organizational culture into a more inclusive and dynamic environment.

The Spark of Curiosity

First off, Wonderers are the spark plugs of curiosity in our City of Lights.  Everyone has their strengths, which is what The Six Types of Working Genius is all about.  It’s the Wonderer, much like the inquisitive child who asks why a car cannot fly, who offer the fresh stream of questions that create fertile ground for innovation.  We are working on those flying cars in our City of  Lights, solar-powered and self-navigating of course.  How crazy would that have sounded even 20 years ago?  Wonderers challenge the status quo simply be asking “why we do it this way” or “why can’t it be better” and are not afraid to nudge us into uncharted territories.  This curiosity is infectious for those who love to come up with new ideas (especially Inventors – to be discussed in another blog), and can be annoying to those of us who kind of like the way things are and don’t see any need to change (more on that later too).

Innovation’s Best Friend

In a world where change is the only constant, innovation is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have.  Wonderers are natural challengers.  They don’t just adapt to change in our vibrant City of Lights; they are the ones who give us permission to think about change when change doesn’t seem possible or necessary.  They often don’t have the answers.  But just by courageously asking if we should break or modify what we do now, or add something totally new, they throw open the doors for creativity, experimentation, and cutting-edge ideas to take flight.  They are the people who looked at our traffic problem in our beautiful city, and instead of just sitting quietly while others talked about public transportation and expanding freeways, asked why we couldn’t find new and innovative ways to bring people closer to where they work and play so they don’t need to commute.  Think of them as the sometimes annoying family member who asks why we have to go to the same restaurant every Friday and then enjoys having dinner with us regularly in our new favorite restaurant.  They help organizations not just to survive but to thrive by constantly reimagining what’s possible.

The Seeds for Innovation and Growth

Wonderers also play a crucial role in organizational growth.  They are like the gardeners in our City of Lights landscape, planting the seeds for new ideas and ways of thinking.  By constantly questioning and exploring, they help our city to evolve, adapt, and grow.  They prevent stagnation and complacency, ensuring that our collective citizenry does not just rest on its laurels but continues to strive for providing the best possible environment for people to live, work, and grow together.

Fostering a Culture of Openness

One of the subtle yet significant impacts of Wonderers is on our city leadership’s culture.  They foster an environment where questioning each other and how we do things is encouraged, and thus new ideas are valued.  This openness leads to a more inclusive and dynamic city government, where every voice is heard, and every perspective is considered.  Just like in a family where every member feels valued and heard, an inclusive culture leads to a happier, more productive team.

Overcoming Challenges

Our City of Lights, like every organization, faces unpredictable challenges and needs.  We don’t live in a vacuum and both our internal and external environments are constantly evolving.  That’s why Wonderers are indispensable.  They are adept at identifying questions we should be asking beyond the immediate problems we face.  In this way, they help us to prepare for challenges and direct our energy toward tomorrow’s needs, before they arrive.  Their penchant for adventurous wondering about scenarios they see on the horizon can be the difference between building and drawing people to what they need and want, and watching our valued citizens leave to have their needs and desires met elsewhere by cities that thought of it before we did.

Unlock your organizational cultural potential by embracing the power of curiosity through our Working Genius Workshops.

The Flip Side

Now, it’s important to remember that every strength comes with its challenges.  Not every question a Wonderer asks is the right question, although they’re pretty good at helping us focus our innovative energy most of the time.  The point is that any project in our City of Lights needs 5 other types of Working Geniuses to ultimately succeed.  It’s the Inventor who answers the Wonderer’s call to action, and we’ll discuss their completion of the “ideation” loop of any project in another blog.

In the meantime, remember that Wonderers are not just valuable; they are essential to any organization’s success.  They are the dreamers and questioners that get the innovative engine fired up.  They help keep our City of Lights on the road to success and not stuck in the muddy ditches of complacency.  So, the next time you see a Wonderer, lost in their thoughts, remember, they might just be concocting the next big question that will propel your organization to new heights.

Ponder this: How can we nurture and leverage the Wonderers in our teams to unlock the full potential of our organizations?

“If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?” – Scott Adams

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